Brass Air Vent PN-16 - Article 0498


Technical Features

Max inlet working pressure 16 bar

Max temperature (water) 90º C

Threading for:

Waterworks UNI ISO 228/1

Hidraulic Features

Automatic air vents for waterworks and plants where big quantity of water must be discharged.


  • Body in brass UNI EN 12165:98

  • Floating ball PTS-THERMOFLEX

  • Pawl in low density Polipropylene

Hydraulic Features

The automatic floating type “HIGH CAPACITY” air vents are useful to be used in the sanitary system and waterworks to release air from the pipe. If installed in fresh water piping for human consumption they satisfy the specific requirements of Health Department. They are fitted for disinfection in compliance with the recommendations pertaining to proper disinfectants, maximum concentrations, limits of use and neutralizing agents listed in the European Standard EN 805.

Technical Features

  • Threadings following ISO 228/1

  • Max inlet working pressure 16 bar

  • Max temperature 90°C Tests under hydrostatic pressure on all fittings with melted

  • Tests following EN 1074-4

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